Eves Rebellion


Eve's Rebellion 6 Month Program for Women

Contact To Enroll

Enroll now- we begin in June

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and liberation, shedding the masks of perfection and embracing the raw beauty of our imperfect selves.Guided by the principles of nervous system regulation, we learn to tune into our bodies, finding peace in the present moment and grounding ourselves in our core truths. As we question the traditional narratives of God and divine relationships, we redefine our spirituality, finding solace in our own sovereignty and connection to the sacred.we celebrate the full spectrum of human experience, exploring topics ranging from Sacred Rage, Woman cycles, Woman Anatomy Sexuality, Womanhood. Taking back out power and learning to truly hear and listen to ourselves Join us on this transformative journey of healing and empowerment, as we unshame ourselves and step into the fullness of our authentic selves.

Wheel of the Year

Contacts to Enroll

Join any time during the year. Each month new content is released for the duration of a year.

Dive deep into a year-long odyssey of self-discovery and transformation wi Embrace, Wheel of the year. This immersive program delves into the core aspects of our existence, unraveling the intricate layers of societal conditioning to reveal the radiant essence of our divine feminine spirit.

Discover the profound impact of healing the sister wound, embracing the power of authentic connection and support within a nurturing community of women. Explore the sacred lineage of the witch wound, reclaiming ancestral wisdom and intuitive gifts long suppressed by patriarchal systems.

Challenge internalized misogyny and patriarchal norms through somatic practices, reclaiming autonomy over your body and voice. Navigate the complexities of eros and sexuality, liberating yourself from societal shame and reclaiming pleasure as a sacred birthright.

Experience the transformative force of sacred rage, empowering you to stand tall against oppression and reclaim your voice as a force for change. As you journey through Embrace- Wheel of the year" envision the profound impact it will have on your life—a journey of empowerment, healing, and sisterhood that will resonate through every facet of your existence, forever transforming the way you see yourself and the world around you. Join us and step into your power as we rise together.

Private Coaching

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Are you ready to embark on a deeply transformative journey towards liberation and self-empowerment? As you navigate the complexities of shame and the challenges of leaving organized religion, I offer you a safe and nurturing space to explore, heal, and reclaim your truth. Together, we will unravel the layers of conditioning that have kept you bound in silence and self-doubt, empowering you to embrace your authenticity and step into the fullness of your being. Through personalized guidance, compassionate support, and transformative practices, we will navigate the depths of your experience with courage and resilience. Now is the time to break free from the chains of shame and step into the light of your own liberation. Let's embark on this journey together, and reclaim the power that has always been yours.

I don't believe in ones size fits all approach....

Women Eros
Sacred Rite of Passage
Sexuality & Pleasure

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Are you ready to break free from the chains of shame and step into a life of liberation and empowerment? If you've been raised in a conservative religious background like me, you understand the impact it can have on your sense of self and your views on sex and sexuality. Without formal education or guidance, navigating adulthood can feel like walking through a minefield of shame and guilt, especially in the era of purity culture. But I've been there, and I've found a way out. Through the journey of deconstructing shame and embracing education, I've liberated myself, building a profound relationship with my body, my sexuality, and ultimately, myself. Now, I'm here to guide you on your own journey of self-discovery and liberation. It's time to redefine your freedom, find pleasure on your own terms, and step into the fullness of your being. Join me, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Nervous System Regulation-
Movement, breathe, somatic tools.

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In this transformative program, we delve into the sacred wisdom of the divine feminine, exploring how to regulate our nervous systems through breath, movement, and embodiment practices. Through a blend of experiential exercises, educational modules, and guided meditations, we will learn to reconnect with the innate wisdom of our bodies and cultivate a sense of flow and ease in our lives. From gentle breathwork and somatic exercises to ecstatic dance and sensual movement, we will explore a variety of techniques to regulate our nervous systems and access our deepest states of relaxation and presence. Through practice applications and real-life exercises, you will integrate these techniques into your daily life, empowering yourself to navigate challenges with grace and resilience. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we awaken the divine feminine within and embody the essence of grace in every aspect of our lives.

Speaking Engagement's, Workshops, Parties, Podcasts, Mentorship and more...

Contact to Enroll

Welcome to the transformative world of Kris Niels, where empowerment meets liberation. As an author and passionate advocate for those navigating the journey of leaving organized religion, I stand as a beacon of support and understanding. With a deep commitment to healing and combatting abuse, I offer a safe space for individuals to reclaim their autonomy and rewrite their narratives.

As a somatic and sexual educator for women, I guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, helping them cultivate a profound connection with their bodies and sexuality. Through speaking engagements, artistry, and hosting transformative events, including women's circles, classes, workshops, and retreats, I facilitate spaces of growth, healing, and empowerment.

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? Reach out today to hire me for your next event or to explore how we can collaborate on your path to empowerment. Together, let's unleash the power within and create a life of authenticity, joy, and fulfillment.

More ...

FREE Yin Yoga

We wanted to provide everyone with an opportunity to find nervous system regulation and an opportunity to go within. Therefore, we offer a free Yin Yoga class each week in a Facebook community. Join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/752433060147472

Sister Circles

A variety of Sister Circles will be held on a number of different topics. Join our emailing list to stay in the loop on the date and topics.

Monthly Medicine

Stay Tuned for our


Sister Circles


Somatic & Sexual Educator


Healing from Organized Religion


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